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Comprehensive Community Support Services are services provided in the client's home, online, or in the community, meant to support clients in their recovery processes, by supporting them in five domain areas.

CCSS is not psychotherapy but is meant to complement psychotherapy, by supporting clients by: coaching, teaching, practicing coping skills, practicing social skills, practicing organizational skills, setting mini goals to help enhance functioning and actively working on the goals together, during CCSS sessions. Sessions typically last 1.5 hours but clients may be seen a maximum of 4 hours per week by CCSS provider.

Below are the five domain areas, with some examples. 
If you are interested in this service (whether or not you are a current client) or have questions, please reach out to us!

This service is available to our clients/families, ages 5+

This service is covered by: BCBS, Presbyterian, Western Sky.

Five Domain Areas

Functioning in Self-Care

Challenges with hygiene or managing life tasks, executive functioning, and other activities of daily living.

Functioning in Community

Challenges in maintaining one's own safety, decision-making.

Functioning in Social Relationships

Challenges in keeping/making friends; challenges in setting boundaries with others; challenges in finding and maintaining healthy relationships (romantic, family, friends, coworkers).

Functioning in the Family

Challenging dynamics within family systems (e.g. persistent challenges in relating with one another); replaying of trauma in families; challenges in parent-child relationships (or, needing additional parenting support).



Functioning in School/Work

Challenges in completing school and/or work tasks; overwhelm with task completion; challenging relationships with supervisors or coworkers; having an IEP; 


All of our therapy team is able to provide CCSS but we are also fortunate enough to have dedicated Community Support Workers (CSW's).

First Aid



Leigh es una trabajadora social clĆ­nica licenciada en el estado de Nuevo MĆ©xico, desarrollando la mayor parte de sus habilidades clĆ­nicas con niƱos y adolescentes. Trabaja bien usando un modelo basado en fortalezas, trabajo de resiliencia, psicologĆ­a positiva y CBT para ayudar a las personas a comprender sus patrones de pensamiento y encontrar formas de fortalecerlas para el camino por delante. Se dedica a buscar y encontrar conocimiento para comprender nuestra verdadera naturaleza como almas individuales que forman un todo colectivo en nuestro universo.

Leigh es una clĆ­nica genuina, empĆ”tica, humorĆ­stica y competente con experiencia trabajando con clientes de diferentes razas, culturas y niveles socioeconĆ³micos. Ella estĆ” interesada en trabajar con clientes que tienen interĆ©s en hacer lo mejor que pueden ser. 
Leigh cree que debemos ajustar/cambiar nuestros patrones de pensamiento para mejorar nuestro bienestar y cree que se necesita diligencia y dedicaciĆ³n para desarrollar lo mejor de una persona.

ƁREAS DE ESPECIALIDAD: personas que luchan contra enfermedades crĆ³nicas, TDAH, ansiedad, PTSD. 

Servicios prestados:

Equilibrio de chakras
Corte de cordĆ³n
Reiki a distancia

Trabajo del NiƱo Interior
Psicoterapia (Individual, Familiar)
Reiki/Reiki chamƔnico
EliminaciĆ³n de intrusiones
CuraciĆ³n chamĆ”nica
RecuperaciĆ³n del alma

$120-155 por sesiĆ³n


Nuevo MĆ©xico (Telesalud, en persona: seguro, pago privado)

Florida (solo curaciones a distancia: solo pago privado)

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